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Saint Benedict 1 1/4" Medal -Exorcism - Medalla De San Benito Blessed By Pope

Regulรคrer Preis โ‚ฌ51,95 EUR
Regulรคrer Preis Verkaufspreis โ‚ฌ51,95 EUR
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A St. Benedict medal to ward you against demons

A large St. Benedict medal to hang above the entrance to your home.
Medal Size: 1 1/4"ย  Bronzeย 

This quality St. Benedict Medal Pendant is die cast in Italy for exceptional detail. A medal with aย  fine BRONZE Italian finishย  A great way to show your love for St Benedict.

Please note that the color is hard to show on monitors but it is "bronze".

Blessed by Pope Francis during public audience in Saint Peter Square.

The Saint Benedict Medal is a Catholic sacramental medal containing symbols and text related to the life of Saint Benedict of Nursia.
The medal is one of the oldest and most honored medals used by Catholics and due to the belief in its power against evil is also known as the "devil-chasing medal". As early as the 11th century, it may have initially had the form of Saint Benedict's cross, and was used by pope Leo IX.
The reverse side of the medal carries the Vade retro satana ("Step back, Satan") formula which has been used by Catholics to ward off evil since the 15th century. Sometimes carried as part of the rosary, it is also found individually.
In widespread use after its formal approval by pope Benedict XIV in the 18th century, the medal is used by Catholics to ward off spiritual and physical dangers, especially those related to evil, poison, and temptation.

[courtesy of Wikipedia]

There is no special way of carrying or wearing the Medal. It can be worn on a chain around the neck, attached to one's rosary, kept in one's pocket or purse, or placed in one's car or home. The medal is often put into the foundations of houses and buildings or in one's place of business

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