Prayer to Our Lady of Good Health (aka Our Lady of Velankanni)-Catholically

Prayer to Our Lady of Good Health (aka Our Lady of Velankanni)

If you are suffering from some type of illness, ask help from Our Lady of Good Health. This saint is the protector of the sick. All over the world, millions of people obtain the help of Our Lady of Good Health to ask Our Lord Jesus Christ for their prompt recuperation.


O Mary ! Our Mother of Health, and our Heavenly Queen, seated on your throne of mercy and compassion in your Holy Shrine at Velankanni, we praise and honour you to be our refuge and our relief.

Numberless are the sick who have recovered health through your intercession. Relying on your power and goodness, we come to you and implore you to heal our infirmities and to obtain for us perfect health of body and soul, that we may better be able to serve you and your divine Son.

At all times, you have been the help and consolation of the infirm. You obtain for them health when it is conducive to their salvation. You assist them at the time of their death. Help us then, O most amiable Mother and obtain for us cure from all our sufferings, or patience to endure them in the spirit of resignation agreeable to God’s Holy Will, so that all our trials and sufferings may help to purify our souls and help us to detach ourselves from all earthly ties. Amen

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Notre Dame de Velankanni Aide moi pendant cette neuvaine que je m’apprête à faire. Donne moi la force que tu as pour affronter les problèmes que nous traversons à cause de la malice des gens . Éloigne nous de ces personne detourne nos chemins de vie . Être moi à avancer avec confiance amen


Mère je mes tour vers avec mon cœur écouté moi Mère je cherche à concevoir depuis 5ans aujourd’hui je t’es demande de mes quérir de cette blocage qui mon péche d’avoir mon enfant suis fatigué d’être triste est versé de larme on cachette Mère offert moi cette guérison avec t’es pouvoir je t’es confié Mère sacré Mère de toul monde mes guérir Amen 🌹🕯

M Jamie samuel

Notre dame velankanni je vous confie tout mes soucis , problème de santé, douleur, diabète,en ce momentje je prends trop de médicaments , je vous en supplie donne moi la guérison et guéri aussi tout les personnes qui me son chères, tout les personnes du monde. Merci notre dame de la santé.Âmen 🙏


Prayers needed that my aunty Willma is cured from her sickness through the precious blood of Jesus. Also prayers needed that my aunty Willma and uncle Edwin’s house come up. It has been stuck in the process of redevelopment for around 10 years. They badly need a house.


Prayers needed that I find my soulmate soon, been living a lonesome life for many years. Also, praying God guides me through my professional life and help me get better job opportunities abroad


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